Top Topics: .AI market is “dead;” Terrible domain brands; Deepseek domains fever; Crossing the squatting line; BIN refund at GoDaddy

Top Topics: .AI market is "dead;" Terrible domain brands; Deepseek domains fever; Crossing the squatting line; BIN refund at GoDaddy


 to the Top Topics review at NamePros!

Dot .AI aftermarket is dead; Terrible names in the domain industry; Deepseek: Domain showcase and discussion; Squatting line not to cross; BIN acquisition at GoDaddy got refunded.

.Ai aftermarket is dead
Domain sales ending in .AI have taken a dive and there is no future for the hyped ccTLD. But hold onto your horses, this is just a domainer’s opinion and the controversy is in the subject. Join the discussion to share what’s really happening in the .AI aftermarket.

Topic by @J.D.

Terrible names in domain industry
Some companies in the domain industry seem to lack imagination in how to best name their corporations and brands. Even the biggest one of all, GoDaddy, reeks of some type of adult material. Share some fun views on what name makes or breaks a domain industry company’s brand.

Topic by @Tunnus

Deepseek domain names showcase and discussion
China’s own ChatGPT variant shook the world of AI last week, claiming extreme progress with a limited budget. The controversy surrounding the actual cost of data training that could be in the millions didn’t stop many investors from grabbing “deepseek” domains left and right. Share yours and talk about whether this was a good idea.

Topic by @PB Domains

Squatting : Do Not Cross
There’s a fine line in domain registrations that once crossed constitutes cybersquatting. There are different opinions about where exactly that line lies, however! This discussion enables newcomers to better understand what’s right and what’s clearly wrong in the world of domain investing. A great read!

Topic by @BritFlippa

Getting refunded for a buy now on GoDaddy?
A domain investor who acquired a domain on GoDaddy by paying the seller’s asking price (BIN) received a refund eventually, without much of an explanation. Is this a common instance on GoDaddy’s marketplace? Share your view and find out what GoDaddy support said in this case.

Topic by @ssss999

Top Topics of the Week is a blog series featuring the most popular discussions and content within the domain community. Tune in weekly to see what’s trending.

News Source:Acroplex,This article does not represent our position.

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