Competition Surrounding the Introduction of the .anime TLD

Competition Surrounding the Introduction of the .anime TLD

A competition is emerging surrounding the introduction of the top-level domain (TLD) .anime. On February 26, 2025, the Web3 company D3 Global, Azuki, and the Animecoin Foundation—a nonprofit focused on the development and promotion of Animechain and Animecoin—announced their intent to apply for .anime with ICANN, the internet governance organization. However, they are not alone: as early as June 18, 2024, the U.S.-based company Unstoppable Domains, in collaboration with Kintsugi Global Inc., a Japanese provider of Web3 services, declared their plan to apply for both .anime and .manga at ICANN. If these announcements are followed through when the application window is expected to open in Q2 2026, ICANN’s rules stipulate the creation of a “contention set.” This would be resolved—absent an amicable agreement—through an auction, with the highest bidder securing the TLD. A similar contest is anticipated for the .chain TLD, where and 3DNS have also announced their intent to submit applications to ICANN.

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